Wednesday, 2 September 2015


I've always admired your work!

How you swagger through the bucks

And my voice tweak the Dirts

while yours mocked at my jerk!

What happened to my perk?

I've lost my voice while listening to yours!

Your silver voice cures

While mine becomes chores

Do I have a choice!?

Where is my talent stores?

I've lost it in your storm

I've lost my ears listening to your advise!

Your voice is now my greatest vice

Streams of my voices dries

Unused talent cries

What have you done to my eyes?!

When will you learn copycats?

Conquered voices hide like bats

Afraid of light like rats

Slickering slim shrivel speaks slats

When will you be your own khat?

Before you lose your voice

While listening to the chores

Copying talent is a choice

Originals can never be copied

Why copy what you can't generate?

Why become choice you can't venerate?

Is good to will relegate

While your talents degenerate!

Everyone is born original!

Talents aboriginal

Everyone has that traditional


don't waste yours being abysmal!

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